
New home of the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia

By |11 kwietnia, 2021|Categories: news|

The winning design for the new headquarters of the Cyprus Museum in Nicosia has been selected. The construction is to be announced in 2021,  In a three-level building located in the green part of Nicosia, the history of Cyprus will be presented from prehistoric times, through the classical, Hellenistic, and Roman periods, until the end of antiquity. We would like to remind you that some of the artifacts from Polish excavations in Nea Paphos are presented in the current seat of the museum, and the exhibition "50 years of Polish research in Nea Paphos" is one of the most[...]

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Cypriot Mail about Polish archaeological project in Paphos

By |30 marca, 2021|Categories: news|

One of the biggest cypriot daily newspapers published short article about common archaeological mission of Jagiellonian University, University of Warsaw and Warsaw University of Technology. Project is led by professor Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka (UJ/UW) and realised with funding from Polish National Science Centre, grant no. 2019/35/B/HS3/02296 LINK TO THE ARTICLE Nea Paphos 2020

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