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Outstanding women in science – Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka

By |5 lutego, 2021|Categories: Bez kategorii|

Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka from the Institute of Archeology of the Jagiellonian University has been nominated by the National Science Center to the group of outstanding women in science. We are proud to announce that, Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka was nominated by the National Science Center for the AcademiaNET website - a portal about outstanding and active women in science. AcademiaNET is an initiative funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation, currently managed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the German Spektrum der Wissenschaft. Outstanding researchers are nominated to AcademiaNet by 43 partner scientific organizations (including the National Science Center) according[...]

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Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski (1936-2021)

By |22 stycznia, 2021|Categories: Bez kategorii|

We regret to inform you about the death of Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, professor of classical archeology, for many years the head of the Polish archaeological mission in Nea Paphos, Cyprus. Professor Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski started working at the Mediterranean Archeology Station of the University of Warsaw in 1966, taking part in excavations conducted by the Station in Tell Atrib, Alexandria, and Deir el-Bahari in Egypt. In 1971-73, on behalf of UNESCO, he organized archaeological missions from many countries at sites in Carthage and Tunis. In 1976-79 he received a Humboldt scholarship. In 1967 he was appointed by prof. Kazimierz Michałowski,[...]

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Project MA-P, 2020 season summary

By |3 stycznia, 2021|Categories: Bez kategorii|

In September 2019, Polish archaeological expeditions in Paphos, i.e. the Polish Archaeological Mission operating on behalf of the Center of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw (CAŚ UW) since 1965 and the Paphos Agora Project of the Jagiellonian University (PAP UJ) since 2011, were combined under the supervision of prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyki. Both institutions formed a consortium with the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of the Warsaw University of Technology. The consortium received an OPUS 18 grant from the National Science Center for research in Paphos, led by the researcher, entitled "MA- Maloutena and Agora in the urban[...]

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Zofia Sztetyłło (1932–2020)

By |10 listopada, 2020|Categories: Bez kategorii|

We regretted the news of the death of Zofia Sztetyłło, a professor of archeology and an outstanding scientist. She was associated with the University of Warsaw and the Center of Mediterranean Archeology, where she was a member of the Scientific Council for several terms, and in the years 1982–1983, she was the director. As a student of prof. Kazimierz Michałowski was one of the first graduates of the Department of Classical Archeology at the University of Warsaw. She participated in research in Crimea, Syria, and Egypt, and for many years she was a member of the Polish archaeological mission in[...]

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Project MA-P, first excavation works in the 2020 season!

By |1 października, 2020|Categories: Bez kategorii|

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, excavations for the MA-P project have begun in the Paphos Archaeological Park. A group of archaeologists from the Center of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw and the Department of Classical Archeology of the Jagiellonian University are working in the field. The research began with a probing excavation at a site that is most likely the outermost edge of the Agora. In the coming weeks, more Trial Trenches will be opened in the residential district of the city - Maloutena. Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology will begin documenting architectural details for the reconstruction[...]

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Completion of the MAESTRO grant as part of the Paphos Agora Project

By |30 września, 2020|Categories: Bez kategorii|

Tenth Paphos Agora Project Research Campaign - 2020 In 2020, despite the difficult epidemiological situation, after obtaining the necessary approval of the authorities of the Jagiellonian University and the Department of the Antiquities of Cyprus, a study campaign was successfully carried out. It was the tenth campaign of the Paphos Agora Project, a project that began operating in 2011. In the period from August 16 to September 30, the Paphos Agora Project team conducted Paphos the last research campaign financed by the Maestro 6 project of the National Science Center. It was a study project and its aim was to[...]

Możliwość komentowania Completion of the MAESTRO grant as part of the Paphos Agora Project została wyłączona
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