Polish archaeologists led by Prof. Jolanta Młynarczyk find the ancient stibadium in Nea Paphos
The Stibadium was a place for open-air religious banquets, which had a characteristic semicircular outline. Its central point was a circular depression with a drain, used for libations in honor of the deity. The stibadium found by Poles is unique because so far no similar finds from Cyprus have been known. The archaeological works are funded by polish National Science Centre grant Harmony-8 2016/22/M/HS3/00351 under supervision of prof. Jolanta Młynarczyk (University of Warsaw). The discovery of the stibadium is the result of work under the grant "Two acropoleis in Nea Paphos? Topography of worship and power in the capital[...]
Polska reprezentacja na międzynarodowej konferencji ceramologicznej IARPotHP w Sewilli
Trwa prestiżowa konferencja Interrnational Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, w której swoje badania prezentują polscy naukowcy związani z badaniami na Agorze w Nea Pafos Interrnational Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period to stowarzyszenie poświęcone badaniom nad ceramiką hellenistyczną. Tegoroczne spotkanie pod tytułem From East to West and Back Again: Societies, Economies and Ceramics in the Hellenistic World odbędzie się On-line w dniach 22-25.06.2021. Ewdoksia Papuci Wladyka – The contribution of the Paphos Agora Project to the study of pottery production, export, import and consumption in Hellenistic Paphos, Cyprus. Kamila Nocoń – Crossing the culinary bridges?[...]
Polish representation at the international ceramics conference IARPotHP in Seville
The prestigious conference of the International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period is underway, in which Polish scientists related to research on the Agora in Nea Paphos present their research. The International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period is an association dedicated to research on Hellenistic ceramics. This year's meeting entitled From East to West and Back Again: Societies, Economies, and Ceramics in the Hellenistic World will be held Online on June 22-25, 2021. Ewdoksia Papuci Wladyka – The contribution of the Paphos Agora Project to the study of pottery production, export, import,[...]
Polska reprezentacja na międzynarodowej konferencji CAA 2021 w Limasol
Właśnie rozpoczęła się międzynarodowa konferencja CAA_2021 "Digital Crossroads" w Limasol (on-line). Stowarzyszenie CAA to międzynarodowa organizacja zrzeszająca archeologów, matematyków i informatyków. Jej celem jest zachęcenie do komunikacji między tymi dyscyplinami, zapewnienie przeglądu aktualnych prac w tej dziedzinie oraz stymulowanie dyskusji i przyszłych postępów. W tego rocznej konferencji już niemal tradycyjnie bierze udział reprezentacja z polski prezentując wyniki z badań prowadzonych w Pafos. Anna Kubicka, Łukasz Miszk, Artur Nowicki, Wojciech Ostrowski, Anna Fijałkowska, Paulina Konarzewska, Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka - From 2D documentation to parametric reconstruction of archaeological structures and procedural modelling of an ancient town Anna Fijałkowska, Paulina Konarzewska, Anna Kubicka,[...]
Polish representation at the international CAA 2021 conference in Limassol
The international CAA_2021 conference "Digital Crossroads" in Limassol (online) has just started. CAA is an international organization of archaeologists, mathematicians, and computer scientists. Its purpose is to encourage communication between the disciplines, provide an overview of current work in the field, and stimulate discussion and future progress. The Polish representation takes part in this annual conference, presenting the results of research conducted in Paphos. Anna Kubicka, Łukasz Miszk, Artur Nowicki, Wojciech Ostrowski, Anna Fijałkowska, Paulina Konarzewska, Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka - From 2D documentation to parametric reconstruction of archaeological structures and procedural modeling of an ancient town Anna Fijałkowska, Paulina Konarzewska,[...]
Conference Poles in the Near East 2021
Registration of participants is now open for the archaeological conference “Poles in the Near East” co-organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. This year’s conference will take place online and its program features over 50 presentations by researchers from Polish and foreign institutions, including a panel devoted to the archeology of Cyprus. The first day focuses on the archaeology of Cyprus in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. This session will be preceded by an opening lecture entitled “Cypriots and Cypriot[...]
The Stibadium was a place for open-air religious banquets, which had a characteristic semicircular outline. Its[...]
Trwa prestiżowa konferencja Interrnational Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period, w której swoje[...]
The prestigious conference of the International Association for Research on Pottery of the Hellenistic Period is[...]
Właśnie rozpoczęła się międzynarodowa konferencja CAA_2021 "Digital Crossroads" w Limasol (on-line). Stowarzyszenie CAA to międzynarodowa organizacja[...]
The international CAA_2021 conference "Digital Crossroads" in Limassol (online) has just started. CAA is an international[...]
Registration of participants is now open for the archaeological conference “Poles in[...]