New start of the IMPORTant project

The project started on 1 October 2021. Macroscopic analyses of ceramics from Nea Paphos and Kourion (Research tasks 1&2) were carried out in two trips between 6th and 20th October and 26th October and 10th November 2021. During the work carried out in Paphos, the deposits of fine and semi-fine pottery were selected for further detailed macroscopic analysis. From these, fragments of vessels were selected for laboratory analysis.

The work on the Kourion material involved the selection of the ceramic categories under study from all the archaeological material recovered during the excavations at the Acropolis site, which were carried out between 1975 and 1998. The work took place in the warehouse of the local Archaeological Museum in Episkopi (Fig.).

In November 2021, the assumptions and methodology of the project were presented at the congress of the American School of Overseas Research in Chicago during the session Archaeology of Cyprus.

Continued research at both sites is planned for spring 2022.

For more information, see the projects tab



By Published On: 18 lutego, 2022Categories: Aktualności, Projekt: IMPORTantMożliwość komentowania New start of the IMPORTant project została wyłączona

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