PCMA Seminar – Łukasz Miszk: What would Indiana Jones say about the streets of Nea Paphos?

The PCMA Seminar series will host a talk (in Polish) by Dr. Łukasz Miszk, entitled “What would Indiana Jones say about the streets of[...]

Ekipa MA-P na CAA Amsterdam 2023

Rozpoczęła się konferencja CAA 2003 50 years of Synergy w Amsterdamie. Referat: MA-P vs. Arches. An open source data management platform for MA-P (“Maloutena[...]

Lecture on non-invasive research in archaeology by Prof. Martina Seifert

Prof. Martina Seifert will present an open lecture “Cities and Harbours. Non-invasive research in Archaeology at the University of Hamburg”. Abstract: “Since 2012,[...]